Teaching Language Skills

Please add your comments on teaching Language Skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) as well as teaching pronunciation, grammar, poetry, prose, drama, etc.


    Listening skill is the other side of speech. Without listening the speech has no meaning. Listening and speaking skills function in a simultaneous manner. They have the same purpose that is to facilitate comprehension among the persons. Listening is a significant skill.  
    Listening skill is related to audio sense and speech is the function of lingual sense. Listening is believed to be passive. When someone speaks, listening occurs. Speech generates sound which reaches to the audio-sense. Sounds create sense or meaning through mental organization. If the listener is attentive to the sound, he can understand it. Listening means the audio sense which makes sense of the sound created by speech.  

    1. Listening skill forms the base of good learning of language.
    2. It determines the purpose which comunicates the message, content, knowledge and feelings.
    3. It helps in making speaking skill effective.
    4. It assists in the verbal interaction among the persons and the group.
    5. The educational process is based on speaking and listening.
    6. In teaching-learning situation, the students are said to be passive listeners.

    Speaking skill is the base of good learning of the language. Infant, it makes the foundation of language learning strong. A student who is good at oral work is also consider to be good at reading and writing.
    According to Fries, " The speech is the language. The written record is the secondary representation of the language."
    To master a language it is necessary to read it. But it is extremely doubtful if one can read the language without first mastering it orally. Listening and speaking lay the very foundation of language learning. Learning to speak a language issued always the shortest path to learn to read and to write it.
    Speaking is one of the basic skills to be developed in any language. Speech in a language enables an individual not only to meet the various day to day life requirements in different a situations but also in creating proper effective impression of ones personality. The personality of individual, his thoughts and feelings and his philosophy of life are communicated to others mainly through the medium of speech. Thus the development of speaking skills becomes extremely important. Such opportunities are more easily available when the individual endeavors to learn how to speak ones mother tongue ,but in case of a foreign language like English such a situation does not exist.
    We often take speaking for granted in our first language. The reason for this is that it is learnt at home in natural surroundings which provide the context for communication. In second or foreign language learning,however these skills are usually acquired in stimulated situation, e.g. the class room and natural surroundings.

    Language can be acquired primarily through speech. Knowing a language is the ability to comprehend and speak the language. The development of reading and writing skills are based on oral foundation. Development of skills of listening and speaking has a key role to play in a second key language teaching programme. The ability g to understand spoken English is needed in ordinary conversation, listening to lecturers and talks, live commentary on dramas and debates. The ability to speak English is required in making communication with foreigners and people from other states of the nation and taking part in school debates and dramas.

    A Learner who can understand spoken English can -
    1. recognize the characteristic English speech sounds both in isolation and in combination and;
    2. comprehend the meanings of words in context as well as structures having grammatical meanings;
    3. comprehend the meaning conveyed by stress and intonation patterns;
    4. differentiate such sounds from similar sounds in the mother tongue.

    An audio-lingual is the classical method of learning language. This method points out that audio and lingual operate in learning English language. These skills are related to two major components in communication i.e. content and expression. In speaking skill, a person possesses some content or message in his mind. This he expressed through his speech or by creating sounds. In listening skill, a person receives sound in the form of expression which is organised as content or message. In listening, content comes after expression. The purpose of speech is to send the message through sound medium whereas listening purpose is to receive the content or message. Both these skills are said to be complementary to each other in learning language and organising teaching situations.
    The effectiveness of speaking and listening skills relies on the mutual understanding. In the classroom teacher speaks so that the students are able to listen him. The listening process helps in comprehending the concepts,ideas, fact, principles and feelings which are expressed through the speech of the teacher. The teacher's speech is assisted by his non-verbal actions which makes listening comprehensible or understandable to the students.

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    The term listening is used to refer to the ability to understand how a pirticular sentense relates to what else has been said and its function in the communication. It is an active skill and an ability to recognise language elements in the stream of sound and through the knowledge of the phonological and grammatical system of the language to relate these elements to each other in clauses and sentences and to understand the meaning of these sentences.

    IMPORTANCE of listening

    1. The process of listening involves decoding a heard message, processing it, checking it and sharing it.

    2. Practice in listening comprehension should precede speaking practice.

    3. ear training facilitates speaking as articulation depends upon hearing sound accurately, discriminating among them, establishment of proper auditory images, and development of a feeling for the new language.

    4. one cannot develop speaking skills unless he develops listening skills.

    5. the ability to understand spoken english becomes important for listening to lectures and talks, listening to radio, studing , understanding people from different regions.etc.

    6. it helps students to acquire the language, picking up structures, acquiring vocabulary , word order and better pronunciation

  5. KINDS of listening - examined through two kinds of tasks:-

    1. Extensive Listening- during this learner listens to an interesting story, radio programme or anecdote. The learner listens for pleasure and is not expected to complete worksheet or a task. It is lengthy and may take place inside or outside the school.

    2. Intensive Listening- during this the learner listens carefully. For eg. while listening to directions the listener listens with full concentration. Such listning is short and has a special task or worksheet designed on it. It is through the completion of this task that the learner gets practice in specific listening skills.

    Listening may also be described as 'Casual listening' and 'Focussed listening'.

    Listening TASK-

    1. drills and exercises. Language game (guessing games)
    2. informal talks
    3. narrations-story telling, action songs, rhymes, instructions, etc.
    4. role play
    5. communication games
    6. speculative activities
    7. dailogues for speech models.

    There are three phases of listening as follows-

    1. Pre-listening phase - basicaly deals with the introduction about the task which has to be done. In this phase the teacher sets up the activity which gives the learner a purpose of listening. It is a very short phase.

    2. While listening phase-
    during this phase the learner completes the task based on the material with the help of daigram/map/table (gives idea about listening passage).

    3. Post- listening phase-
    happens after while listening phase where answer to the listening tasks are discussed.If many students item gets wrong, the relevant portion can be rpeated and cause of confusion is discussed.

  6. Thanks, Mercy. Please keep up the hard work!
